Hola de San Sebastian, Spain! If you’ve been following along by European adventure via Instagram, I hope the images have been giving you as much joy and inspiration as the journey has for me!
So, full disclosure, I wrote out an amazing post on the importance of travel and the background of this adventure in particular and how it’s impacting where BREAD is GOOD LLC is going next, but then, being the computer idiot that I will always be, I deleted it instead of posting it and have had to start over. Honestly, I just want to go to the beautiful beach and eat some bread, so we’re gonna cut this one to chase. I’ll be back in a few days with some more travel musings but for today let’s talk INVESTING in GOOD BREAD!
Bread is Good is growing and expanding and opening it’s first kitchen! For the past few years, I have rented or subleased spaces from other restaurants allowing me to grow responsibly and slowly and not taking on any debt. The time has com, though, to let this bread baby proof a little bigger into some digs and I’d love to invite you all along for the ride! Under the Bread is Good LLC, I am opening up Colette Bread and Bakeshop which will be 60% wholesale production, 30% cooking and baking school, and 10% weekend retail walkups which we will expand as we grow. I have been in this industry for almost 12 years (12 YEARS!) and I have spent so much time honing in on how to create a space that is profitable yet soulful, as well as, open, productive, and dedicated to the traditions and craft of good food. Our funding will go directly to the buildout and beautiful design of our new production faculty and cooking school in one of old Highland Row spaces on Highland! Any funds left over after the buildout will go towards a fun unique delivery van to get more bread to more people!
I have already learned a lot int he few months that I’ve been working on this expansion and one thing I will continue to scream from rooftops till the day I croak is SUPPORT YOR FEMALE and MINORITY RUN BUSINESSES! Help them succeed, help them grow, ask what they need. Funding is a major barrier to entry and it really shouldn’t be that way. For that reason, I decided to forgo the more traditional route of funding from a bank and utilize an investment crowdfunding platform called HoneyComb Credit. This means that anyone can invest in the success of Bread is Good! Family, friends, customers, Atlantans, bread lovers, joe schmo in Philly who wants to see more female owned business, and even, YOU! Yes, you can be an investor! You can invest in Bread is Good and it’s expansion into Colette Bread + Bakeshop! This is not a donation, it is an investment with a return which to me is the way community business should get funded more often. You get to directly affect and profit from the success of the business you believe in. Que bueno, no?! It’s impactful on so many levels and I really am humble by the number of family, friends, customers, and fellow business owners who have jumped on board already. we are 51% funded with 34 more days to go! So, check out the investment page (feel free to ignore the video)as well as the SEC offering statement for all the details!
If it’s not for you, maybe you know someone who is interested in investing and feel free to share this information along! And while you wait for my next travel related post, here are some images of spaces that are going into the inspiration fault for Colette’s design! I’ve met some amazing vendors on my trip and can’t wait to get some pieces from all over to fill out the space!
Pum Pum Bakery in Madrid
Berdoulet Design shop in Bath, England
Malpica restaurant in Madrid
Cocol Madrid
THE TILE! oh the TIle!
The windows of Europe are the signage and I love it
Richard Bertinet’s Cookery School in Bath ! so amazing!